
SMART-PT is an ENT compromising, 5 countries with 7 partners including a team of 5 leading Universities and 2 business partners (SME) as well as supporting leading research experts, public agencies and NGOs.


Tel Aviv University

TAU is the project coordinator and responsible for project management and dissemination and exploitation of results. From the science and technology perspective TAU will develop the trajectory clustering algorithms for the side of the public transport demand based on mobile phone data. TAU will also conduct the policy analysis of the SMART-PT concept and is responsible for development of the Tel-Aviv case study.


Prof. Itzhak BenensonProf. Itzhak Benenson 

Project Coordinator (PhD in Mathematical Biophysics) TAU full professor, head of the Geosimulation and Spatial Analysis Lab. Modelling and simulation of complex system dynamics applied to urban, transport and ecological systems, GIS applications in land use and transportation studies, applied geostatistics. PI or CI in more than 20 national and international projects funded by GIF, ISF, US-Aid, FP7 ENSURE and ERA-NET SMART-PT.



Dr. Yevgeny Medvedev

Evgeny Medvedev (Ph.D in Applied Mathematics),  Senior Research Fellow at TAU from 2014. Expert in Geoinformatics, Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry. Former Professor positions in Moscow Institute of Geodesy and Irkutsk State Technical University.








​Dr. Andrey Shabalov (Post Doc)

Andrey Shabalov (PhD in Technical Science). PostDoc studies in TAU, 2014 – 2016. Intelligent information technologies, ensembles, evolutionary computations, neural networks, fuzzy logic systems, neuro-fuzzy systems









Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Dr. Eran Ben-Elia

Ph.D Technion, (Transportation Science), formerly Senior Research and Teaching Fellow at TAU, recently appointed Senior Lecturer at BGU. Expertise in modelling human spatial decisions and traveler response to information, the use of ICT for behavioral persuasion. Awarded 2014 ISF research grant for developing an ICT-enabled concept for persuading route choice cooperation on congested networks. Head of the Gaming in Augmented Mobility Environments (GAMES) lab.





Hasselt University

The Transportation Research Institute (IMOB) is responsible for developing the Standard transportation planning applications for deriving public transport alignments and comparison with SMART-PT concept. Also in charge of the Leuven case study.


Prof. Ansar YasarProf. Ansar Yasar

Prof. dr. ir. Ansar-Ul-Haque Yasar (PhD. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven). Professor at the Transportation Research Institute since October 2011. His research interests include ubiquitous computing, context-aware communication, VANETs intelligent transport systems and mobility management. He has authored more than 35 research articles in renowned international journals, conferences, books and workshops. At IMOB, he is working on the European FP7 project DATASIM (2011 - 2014) and a Technical Expert to evaluate project proposals submitted to the EUREKA framework.




Luk Knapen

Ph.D student











Technical University Berlin

Prof. Kai NegelProf. Kai Nagel 

head of the Traffic Systems Planning and Traffic Telematics Group (VSP) at TU Berlin since 2004. Previous stations include assistant professor for computer science at ETH Zurich (Switzerland) and permanent staff member at Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA. With more than fifteen years of experience he is an internationally accepted expert in the field of large-scale traffic simulations. Supervised 12 PhD dissertations and currently supervises 6 PhD candidatesIn the last 10 years, he published more than 70 peer-reviewed papers, 30 of them in peer-reviewed journals. PI on 27 projects, funded by German National Science Foundation DFG), EU, German Ministries (BMBF, BMVBS), BVG (= Berlin public transport provider. One of the main authors of MATSim (Multi-Agent Transport Simulation, see


Dr. Andreas Neumann (Research Associate)

Andreas Neumann is acting in an advisory capacity for the SMART-PT consortium. He is an expert for scenario generation and public transport modeling with focus on minibus systems and public transport network design.






Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm (KTH)

The activities of KTH comprise the following. (1)  Development of a multi-agent PT simulation model of Stockholm. (2) Simulation-based analysis of travel demand adaptations in reaction to infrastructure or policy changes. (3) Development of algorithms for the adaptation of the PT system and its operations to travel demand changes (4) Assessment of the resulting adaptive PT system through interactive ´gaming simulation´ sessions with stakeholders and/or operators. Ultimately, insights that will support the future development of the PT system in Stockholm and elsewhere.

Prof. Gunnar Flötteröd 

(PhD from the Technical University of Berlin). From 2009 to 2011, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). Since 2011, he is on a junior faculty position at KTH. He focuses on dynamic traffic assignment, traffic flow theory, and, in particular, the methodological aspects of transport micro-simulations.









Prof. Sebastian Meijer

specialized in participatory methods to assess the future of traffic and logistics. He is responsible for the Gaming and Participatory Simulation (GaPS) lab within KTH. He has developed the methodological approach for innovation for the Dutch railways, and holds active visiting professor positions in India and Holland. He leads an activity line in EIT ICT Labs.








Dr. Mohammad Saleem 

Dr. Mohammad Saleem holds a PhD in Computer Science from Loughborough University, UK. Dr. Saleem has worked for two years in the software industry, where he was part of the team responsible for successfully building the eServices workflow management system for the Security and Exchange Commission of Pakistan. Dr. Saleem has worked as an Assistant Professor for more than two years. He joined KTH as a postdoctoral researcher in 2015.


Poznan University of Technology

The Division of Transport Systems at PUT PUT investigates the possibilities of increasing the adaptivity of SMART PT in the short-time horizon by adding an on-demand minibus service. This service is aimed at filling the gap between the gradually adapting fixed public transport routes and the dynamically changing demand for public transport. PUT will work on novel on-line algorithms for dynamic routing and scheduling of minibuses. These algorithms will be implemented in MATSim and tested on three real-world scenarios, namely Leuven, Stockholm and Tel Aviv.


Dr. Michal Maciejewski 

(PhD Mechanical Engineering, PUT, 2007). He worked at vMach Engineering (2001-2002), Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center (2003-2005), and Poznan university of Technology (2005-), currently as an assistant professor. With the background in computer science, Dr. Maciejewski focuses on optimization and simulation of dynamic transport modes. He took part in several EU (at PUT and PSNC) and 10+ national projects, often collaborating with partners from industry. He is a DAAD scholarship holder (2011). Since 2010 Dr. Maciejewski has been collaborating with the VSP group at TU Berlin (led by Prof. Kai Nagel), having several longer scientific stays there. The cooperation resulted in extending MATSim with the dynamic vehicle routing functionality. Currently, Dr. Maciejewski is working together with TU Berlin and DLR (German Aerospace Center) to provide simulation tools for evaluating different strategies of introducing electric taxicabs in Berlin (in cooperation with Taxi Berlin, 4500+ taxis). He is also a project manager in a project aiming at simulation of sustainable taxi fleets in Poznan.


Prof. Agnieszka Merkisz-Guranowska

(PhD in Ecology of Transportation, PUT, 2005 and an ScD in Transport Systems, Warsaw University of Technology, 2011). She worked at Renault SAS (Marketing Department, 1999-2000) and Bergerat Monnoyeur Manutention (Finance Department, 2000-2005). After 5 years in the industry she became a full-time researcher at the Department of Motor Vehicles and Road Transport at the Faculty of Machines and Transportation at Poznan University of Technology where she currently works as a professor. Her current research interests include the organisation of end-of-life vehicles recycling network and modeling of sustainable transport systems. She is working (in cooperation with Prof. Marianna Jacyn, Warsaw University of Technology) on the sustainable transport system for Poland.



Dr. Waldemar Walerjanczyk

(PhD in Mechanical Engineering, PUT, 2005). He works at Poznan University of Technology (1996-) currently as an assistant professor. He took part in several EU and many national projects, often collaborating with partners from industry. As a computer scientist, Dr. Walerjanczyk focuses on GIS-based approach to data acquisition, mining and visualization which is a key component in prototyping and evaluating modern transportation system.









Senozon Deutschland GMBH 

Senozon, a German Spinoff of TUB and a full partner to this proposal, is currently staffed by Daniel Roeder an alumnus of TUB-VSP.  The business model of Senozon is to sell technology and services around MATSim, for example to public transit companies, but also to real estate agencies. The tight connections between TUB and Senozon ensure that any innovation made within the project will immediately be available in the commercial realm. Senozon will be able to integrate any improvement coming out of the SMART-PT project into their product portfolio, and thus bring it to the customer. KTH and TAU are supported by Senozon in the implementation of the Stockholm and Tel Aviv case studies.


de Buur (bureau for urbanism)

Johan Van Reeth:  founder and CEO of BUUR. As an architectural engineer with a masters degree in urban development (University of Leuven), he started his career in 1995 as a research assistant in the research group of professor Marcel Smets. This group conducted pioneering work in Flanders into developing integrated urban projects. In he received an assignment as an urban development consultant for Leuven city council. He organised the administration of urban planning and lead the drafting of the spatial policy plan for Leuven. BUUR the bureau for urbanism in was founded in 2006. The team now has 40 co-workers and is a prominent actor in Flanders and Brussels regarding urban developments, planning and mobility. Johan Van Reeth is co-promotor of the SBO project ‘Orderin’F’ and is leading the case-study ‘regional public transport as catalyst for sustainable development in the Leuven Region’. Johan Van Reeth is a guest lecturer for ‘project development and management’ at the University of Leuven.

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