ESTMOBS - International Symposium on Emerging and Shared Transportation Modes and Mobility Services: 8-9/12/2016 Tel Aviv
We had an amazing three days for mutual presentations and discussion on cutting edge science. Thanks to all our presenters and attendees.
Link to the presentations:
Kickoff meeting in Leuven 16/9/14
We had a one day meeting hosted by partner de Buur in Leuven Belgium. Discussion focused on getting to know one another, team expertise and overall view of the project and work plan. The picture was taken from the roof of de Buur's offices.
2nd project meeting in Stockholm 19/3/15
We had a project meeting hosted by our partner at KTH Stockholm. Discussion focused on advances in applying MATSim model to adpative public transport in synthetic cities. Each of the partners presented thier approaches and steps taken to continue progress. The second picutre was taken from the gates of KTH.
3rd project meeting in Copenhagen 11/9/15 and hEART workshop
Our 3rd project meeting took place at Copenhagen where we also hosted our 1st project workshop at the hEART conference. The workshop included several presentations on adaptive transportation systems. See the program at:
4th project meeting in Poznan 14/4/16 and ERA-NET workshop at the TRA in Warsaw
Our 4th project meeting was hosted by PUT in Poznan. We also had the oppertunity to present the project at the ERA-NET Transport workshop in the Transport Research Arena in Warsaw the following week.